This first unit of year one introduces the five-unit semester on the Miracles of Jesus from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Unit 1 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 77:11 and Colossians 1:16-17) and five lessons explore the different types of miracles (wonders) performed by and for Christ who is the God of Wonders. Children learn that Jesus performs His miracles for specific reasons.
This second unit of year one explores five of Jesus’ miracles of healing. They reveal His authority, power, and compassion to heal, along with the eternal impact these healing miracles have on others. Children are challenged to believe in and respond to His healing. The Unit 2 Bible Memory Verses (Jeremiah 17:14 and Psalm 103:2-5) focus on praising the Lord who is able to heal us.
This third unit of year one investigates six of the miracles surrounding the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus. They reveal His Lordship over death and life, as well as His love for us. Children are challenged to expect His miracles and His presence in our lives. The Unit 3 Bible Memory Verses (Matthew 22:37, Revelation 5:13b and 19:6b) focus on our response to love and honor Jesus as Lord.
This fourth unit of year one explores five miracles in which Jesus saves others. They show that Jesus saves us from death, danger, darkness, doubts and disbelief. Children are challenged to trust in Jesus and call on Him as their Savior. The Unit 4 Bible Memory Verses (Joel 2:32 and John 14:6 with Romans 10:9) are very specific about what we must do to be saved.
This fifth unit of year one retells the miracles of creation. In these five lessons, children study the wonders God performed on the first seven days as He created the world and then rested. Children are challenged to respond by taking care of God’s creation. The Unit 5 Bible Memory Verses (Genesis 1:1,3 and Psalm 139:13-14.) focus on God’s creation of light and people.
This sixth unit of year one introduces the five-unit semester covering the Old Testament books of the Bible from Genesis through Joshua. Children learn that God provides the justice, mercy, salvation, and hope we need as they follow the story of God’s people from Adam to Abraham. The Unit 6 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 119:44-45a and Proverbs 3:5-7) focus on the freedom that comes from trusting and obeying God to provide for all our needs.
This seventh unit of year one follows the lives of Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Esau. These six lessons prove that God keeps His promises. The Unit 7 Bible Memory Verses (Genesis 28:15 and Jeremiah 29:11-13) remind us of God’s promises to be with us, and to give us a hope and a future.
This eighth unit of year one retells five stories that took place in Egypt. From Joseph’s captivity through the parting of the Red Sea, the God of Wonders spoke to His people and His enemies through the wonders He performed. Children are invited to listen to God’s call, including His call to salvation. The Unit 8 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 85:3 and Matthew 25:23) focus on listening and being faithful to the Lord.
This ninth unit of year one contains five stories about Moses in the wilderness and Joshua in the Promised Land. They show that God sends us all we need including provisions, instructions, warnings, and miracles. Children learn to trust the plan God sends. The Unit 9 Bible Memory Verses (Isaiah 6:8 and John 3:16) focus on the God who sent His Son and who now sends us.
This tenth unit of year one ushers in the Wonder of Advent. In preparing their hearts to celebrate the birth of Christ, children investigate five miracles surrounding His birth. Children discover that Christmas miracles are meant to point all people to Jesus. The Unit 10 Bible Memory Verses (Luke 2: 2:10b, 11, 14a) focus on the angel announcing His birth to the shepherds as the heavenly host respond with praise.
This first unit of year two introduces the six-unit semester about The Life of Jesus as taught in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Unit 1 Bible Memory Verses (Ephesians 6:1 and Luke 2:41-52) and five lessons describe five events in the life of Jesus as He reveals Himself to be the Son of God. Children learn that Jesus is the King who came to be with us.
This second unit of year two describes the actions of Jesus as He teaches and serves. His humble nature is revealed as He demonstrates love, forgiveness and humility. The Unit 2 Bible Memory Verses (Ephesians 3:18; Psalm 100:5 and Matthew 16:24; 4:19) encourage children to follow and emulate Jesus as the King who serves.
This third unit of year two explores six events in Jesus’ journey to the cross. These stories examine His anointing, triumphant ride into Jerusalem, humble act of washing His disciples’ feet, His last supper, lament in the garden and eventual crucifixion. Through the Unit 3 Bible Memory Verses (1 John 4:19 and Psalm 139:23-24), children acknowledge Jesus as the King who loves us.
This fourth unit of year two follows Jesus as He rises from the dead, appears to His disciples, gives the Great Commission and finally ascends into heaven. The Unit 4 Bible Memory Verses (John 21:17b and Job 19:25, 27) invite children to accept Jesus as the King who rose from the dead as Lord over all.
This fifth unit of year two is the first unit in a two-part series covering many of the parables Jesus used to teach His followers. Children discover practical knowledge about God and how to follow His Word as they unravel the metaphors in each story. The Unit 5 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 47:6-7a and Matthew 22:37-39) describe how children can love and praise the Lord.
This sixth unit of year two is the second unit in a two-part series covering many of the parables Jesus used to teach His followers. Children continue to explore purposeful ways to demonstrate examples of generosity, faithfulness, belief, kindness and love. The Unit 6 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 25:5 and Galatians 5:22-23; John 15:26b) recognize God as teacher and savior and familiarize children with the fruits of the Spirit.
This seventh unit of year two introduces the four-unit semester set in the Old Testament covering the books of Judges through Esther. Children learn the stories of Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth and Samuel. The Unit 7 Bible Memory Verses (Philippians 4:13 and Psalm 121:1-2, 4, 8) and five lessons show examples of God’s plan in the lives of His people. Children learn that God watches over them.
This eighth unit of year two follows the continuing journey of God and His people including the accounts of Saul and David. Children are invited to trust and praise God, just as David did, and recognize that He is the one who knows their hearts as described in the Unit 8 Bible Memory Verses (John 14:1 and Psalm 23).
This ninth unit of year two highlights some of the Old Testament heroes including King Solomon, King Josiah, Ezra, Nehemiah and Queen Ester. Chosen by God to help build His Kingdom, they teach wisdom, obedience, perseverance and courage. Children reflect on God’s expectations of them in the Unit 9 Bible Memory Verses (Luke 11:28 and Micah 6:6a, 8).
This tenth and final unit of year two chronicles the Christmas story from the perspective of Jesus as the King who comes to be with us. From Gabriel’s announcement to Mary to the journey of the wise men, children are invited to celebrate the coming of the savior. They learn that Jesus is God’s one and only Son, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as described in the Unit 10 Bible Memory Verses (John 3:16a and Revelation 11:15b, 19:16b).
This first unit of year three introduces the six-unit semester about letters to the early church from Acts through Revelation. The Unit 1 Bible Memory Verses (Zechariah 4:6b and Joel 2:28a) and five lessons explore the birth of the church at Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit working through Peter, John, Stephen and Philip. Children learn that the Holy Spirit give us power to be witnesses, to heal in His name, to speak boldly, and to teach God’s Word to others.
This second unit of year three explores six stories that show how the Spirit changes believers. From Saul the persecutor, to faithful Tabitha, to the Roman centurion, God’s miracles change attitudes and cause many to believe. Peter’s escape and Paul’s partnership with Barnabas on the first missionary journey reveal the changes that prayer and encouragement bring to the church. The Unit 2 Bible Memory Verses (2 Corinthians 5:17 and 2 Corinthians 3:17b-18) confirm the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
This third unit of year three tracks Paul’s second missionary journey recorded in Acts 16-18. The Holy Spirit leads Paul and Silas to share the promise of salvation with Lydia, prisoners and guards, Corinthians, Priscilla and Aquila. The Unit 3 Bible Memory Verses (Zephaniah 3:17a and Philippians 4:8) focus on the saving power of Christ and His goodness.
This fourth unit of year three describes the events from Paul’s third and fourth missionary journeys as recorded in Acts 19-28. Children are challenged to respond to the love of Christ by sharing the gospel with everyone. The Unit 4 Bible Memory Verses (1 John 4:7a and Romans 8:38-39) encourage children to grasp and share the boundless love of Christ.
This fifth unit of year three is the first unit in a two-part series covering themes of love, unity, sin, forgiveness, peace, and focus found in the New Testament letters from Romans through 3 John. Children receive inspiration and practical advice about following Christ. The Unit 5 Bible Memory Verses (Matthew 22:37, 39b) provide clear instruction about following Christ.
This sixth unit of year three is the second unit in a two-part series revealing inspirational themes of weakness, strength, Christ’ return, and heaven located in various New Testament letters from Romans through Revelation. The Unit 6 Bible Memory Verses (Revelation 22:12 and Psalm 119:105) help children focus on their ongoing relationship with Christ as they await His return.
This seventh unit of year three introduces the four-unit semester exploring the stories of the Old Testament prophets beginning with Elijah and Elisha. Children ages 6-11 also study the lives of Joel, Amos, and Jonah. The Unit 7 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 46:10 and Amos 4:12b-13; 5:14) display God’s power as He proves that He is the one true God, the Lord God Almighty.
This eighth unit of year three follows the continuing story of God speaking through His prophets. Children under age 6 learn the stories of Jonah and Jeremiah. Older children study Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Jeremiah and Habakkuk; they explore the warnings, choices and promises God gave us through the prophets. The Unit 8 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 145:13b and Philippians 2:8b-11a) address His faithfulness.
This ninth unit of year three continues to track the lives of the Old Testament prophets. In these five lessons, children under age 6 discover dramatic stories about Ezekiel and Daniel. Older children also study Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Children learn that God reigns over everyone and everything. The Unit 9 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 150:6 and 1 Peter 2:9) underscore God’s call on our lives to declare His praises.
This tenth and final unit of year three examines the promises God made through the prophet Isaiah and the angel Gabriel about the Prince of Peace. The Unit 10 Bible Memory Verses (Psalm 118:1a and Isaiah 9:6) and five lessons celebrate God’s goodness in sending His Son, the Promised One. This unit completes the three-year study from Genesis through Revelation. Repeating the entire curriculum will benefit the children who will now begin the God of Wonders stories with an older, more mature perspective. It benefits teachers who are now familiar with the materials.
Who God is: The King Who Builds His Kingdom
Unit 8 Bible Memory Verse: “With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God?” “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:6a, 8
Ages 6-7 Bible Story: 1 Kings 10:1-10
Ages 8-9 Bible Story: 1 Kings 10:1-10
What He has done: God brought the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon.
Ages 6-7 Lesson Aim: To know God uses our actions to glorify Himself.
Ages 8-9 Lesson Aim: To know God uses our actions to glorify Himself.
King City Chronicles on Vimeo: King Solomon
“Do Justly” on Vimeo [Vocals] Bible Memory Verse Video
“Do Justly” on Vimeo [No Vocals] Bible Memory Verse Video
The King Who Builds His Kingdom–Unit 9 Attribute Introduction Video
The King Who Builds His Kingdom–Unit 9 Attribute Introduction Slide
10- King City Chronicles–Performance Introduction